Donnerstag, 14. Oktober 2010

mm yo Oh, potato is done , and add beef, do not have to fart

mm yo Oh, potato is done , and add beef, do not have to fart, Look at World overturn .Quote .you are not my kite in my hand how can you fly alone .you want to use words or resorting to violence to the text I am his mother Do not destroy others attack Bue .a .you are the future hope of our country and nation that we are doomed to collapse of the so-called area .Quote .1000 Village Herve Leger pumila people Yi Shi, 10 000 Xiaoshu ghost singing .mountain pine mountain flowers, pine laugh as it took. gale blowing, the saw pine not see flowers. .see the deepening twilight, Jinsong, Bai Yunfei Du remain calm. born of a Fairy Cave, infinite beauty in the dangerous mountain peak. .For sad news spirit shook, I cried wolf laugh. Realm Ji Xiong Jie, Yang-Mei sword scabbard. .erase it, his eyes tear. JU last Yi Gong, then wear a few times more than swords. dead, must not end the fighting. death is eternal monument.

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